GitLab AI Transparency Center

Explore how GitLab implements governance and transparency in GitLab Duo to help you protect your organization’s valuable assets as you benefit from cutting-edge AI.

GitLab Transparency Center Hero

Core values

GitLab values the trust our customers place in us and we take this responsibility seriously. In keeping with our core Transparency value, we’ve adopted a transparency- and privacy-first approach to help safeguard our customers’ data and intellectual property.

View our core values

AI ethics principles

Ethics play a critical role in building AI features. That is why GitLab published our AI Ethics Principles for Product Development to help guide us as we continue to build and evolve our AI functionality and features.

We are continuously working to build and improve our AI features, so these principles may naturally evolve over time. We will continue to review these principles and iterate as necessary to reflect the best practices in responsible AI development.

Read our AI Ethics Principles for Product Development

AI continuity plan

Today, GitLab’s AI features are powered by a diverse set of models, which allows us to support a broad set of use cases and gives our customers flexibility. Unlike some other DevOps platforms, GitLab is not tied to a single model provider by design. We currently use foundation models from Google and Anthropic.

GitLab’s AI Continuity Plan transparently lays out our process for selecting new AI vendors and how we intend to address any material changes our AI vendors may make to their practices with respect to the use of customer data.

Read our AI Continuity Plan

Feature documentation

The GitLab Duo documentation clearly outlines:
  • Each of our AI features and their intended purposes
  • Which models are powering each of our AI features
  • How we use your code and other data
  • Our AI model vendors’ current retention periods
  • The current status (experiment/beta/GA) of each AI feature
  • The GitLab tiers and offerings that include access to each AI feature
View our GitLab Duo documentation


GitLab Trust Center

It's our mission to be the leading example in security, innovation, and transparency.

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